DeepString BrassChord.Major BrassChord.G#Major BrassChord.FMajor TechnoDist TechDist.seq 2.FX BackroundBlorr.FX MetalTune.loop.FX SumoSynth GSynthLead SynthLead.loud ClareCym BrassChord.Minor BrassChord.FMinor BrassChord.G#Minor SlamHiQualBD SnareDrum.8 Dwump! 2 HH.Closed HH.Open Factory Metal..FX BrassChord.Sus4 ZynthBass Taa-girl SynthBeep.reverb RezoFlange =] 1 RezoFlange ==] 2 RezoFlange ===] 3 RezoFlange ====] 4 RezoFlange =====] 5 Deep Space Traffic theme by ******** Skaven *********** of the Future Crew -OK- Composed for the ICE people, to be used in their disk mag. Greetings go to every- body who have survived the heat & the beat of the world. nothing here, I suppose